Maha Herbals

15 off
15 off
162 |   137.7 |   60 ml

Benefits: Possess calming effect on the nerves. Increases mental alertness. Increases blood circulation, particularly to nerve ending.
Ensures sound sleep. Provides relief in neuralgic pains.

Indications: Sciatica, lower back pain, discomfort while sitting, tingling sensation, numbness in the legs.

15 off
252 214.2
15 off
252 |   214.2 |   100 ml
Relieves pains and inflammation

Benefits: Possess calming effect on the nerves. Increases mental alertness. Increases blood circulation, particularly to nerve ending. Ensures sound sleep. Provides relief in neuralgic pains.

Indications: Sciatica, lower back pain, discomfort while sitting, tingling sensation, numbness in the legs.

15 off
153 130.05
15 off
153 |   130.05 |   100 ml
Makes Hair Heaithy, Shiny, Long and Strong

Benefits: Makes Hair Healthy, Shiny, Long and Strong. Combats dry scalp and dandruff. Nourishes hair and controls hair fall. Stimulates hair growth, revitalizes hair tissues. Hair oil massage boosts blood circulation in the scalp and improves nutrition at hair roots.

Indications: Hair fall, premature graying, dandruff.

15 off
15 off
630 |   535.5 |   500 Gram

Benefits: It is the best anti ageing formula. It rejuvenates the body, promotes balastrength, that helps fast recovery from diseases. Helps balancing heart functioning fights against tiredness, fatigue, early grey hairs, wrinkling skin and hair loss. It also improves intelligence, memory and immune power. Nourishes the seven vital elements (Dhatus) 1. Nutritional fluid 2. Blood 3. Muscle and marrow 4. Bone 5. Bone marrow 6. Reproductive fluid 7. Fat

Indications: Physical and Mental debility. Weakness after diseases, tiredness, fatigue, premature ageing, hair loss, poor muscles, bones, semen (infertility) etc.

15 off
360 306
15 off
360 |   306 |   150 Gram

Benefits: Good for general revitalization. Helpful in situation of cold and cough, heaviness & burning in chest and indigestion. Helps preventing number of infections.

15 off

Calculi Peace

60 Tablets
315 267.75
15 off
315 |   267.75 |   60 Tablets

Benefits: Prevents recurrent urinary tract infections, relieves burning micturition, dysuria and renal colic. Dissolves the urinary stones to smaller particles and flushes them out with the urine.

Indications: Urinary calculi, recurrent calculi, urinary tract infections, burning micturition and post lithotripsy.

15 off
198 168.3
15 off
198 |   168.3 |   200 ML

Benefits: Improves memory enhancing effects, increases memory span, helps in memory recall, reduces fluctuation of attention. Improves attention, concentration and helps in learning ability.

Indications: Memory disturbance, mental fatigue, loss of memory, speech defects, helps in the management of parkinsons disease, epilepsy, alzheimers disease and hemiplegia.

15 off
171 145.35
15 off
171 |   145.35 |   200 ML

Benefits: Provides hepatoprotection. Improves liver function. Increases bile secreation. Improves appetite, digestion and helps in weight gain. Protects liver from toxins.

Indications: Anorexia, Chronic indigestion, Jaundice, Convalescence, Malnutrition, Prophylactically with anti-TB drugs, Mild to moderate liver dysfunction associated with alcohol consumption or associated with hepatotoxic drugs.

15 off
171 145.35
15 off
171 |   145.35 |   200 ML

Benefits: Possess anti-allergic and immunomodulatory properties, relieves dry cough. Due to its expectorant properties expels phlegm and benefits in cough associated with chest congestion.

Indications: Beneficial in all types of cough, Anti allergic, Anti microbial and Improves immunity.

15 off
198 168.3
15 off
198 |   168.3 |   200 ML

Benefits: Tones up the uterine musculature. Stimulates ovary to increase ovulation. Regulates hormones to improve fertility. Possess galactagogue action. Has haematinic properties.

Indications: Irregular cycle, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, iron deficiency, general debility, convalescence, pre and post - menopausal symptoms.

15 off
115 97.75
15 off
115 |   97.75 |   100 GM

Benefits: Its a natural, effective and safe laxative churna, which helps ensuring regular bowel movements along with reduced flatulence & bloating. It is highly beneficial in chronic constipation, gastrointestinal disorders, headache, acidity associated with constipation, piles (hemorrhoids) an d fissures due to hard stool.

Indications: Chronic constipation, gastric condition, headache, acidity associated with constipation, irregular or difficult movement of the bowels, abdominal discomfort etc.

15 off
198 168.3
15 off
198 |   168.3 |   60 Tablets

Benefits: Highly beneficial in arthralgia, very effectively relieves acute and chronic inflammatory swelling of joint. Relaxes stiff muscles (especially in the morning) and reduces pain. It neutralizes toxic effects due to localized imbalances of doshas, causing Gout and Osteoarthritis. It strengthens the membrane and cartilaginous tissue in synovial joints.

Indications: Joints and Muscle pains, Morning stiffness and Aches.

15 off
72 61.2
15 off
72 |   61.2 |   10 ML

Benefits: Jeevandhara, a wonderful remedy made from medicinal and aromatic herbs oils & extracts is highly beneficial in following.

Indications: Cold, nasal congestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, spasmodic pain, arthritic pain, sinusitis, headache, toothache and insect bites etc.

15 off
189 160.65
15 off
189 |   160.65 |   60 Tablets

Benefits: Maha Brahma Rasayana is a very good rejuvenator and fights against tiredness, fatigue and is stress buster. It is an ayurvedic health supplement that improves memory, intelligence, mental strength, cognition, immunity and general well-being. It acts as an antioxidant, a very good nervine tonic, prevents aging as it reduces degenerative process of cells, stops/reduces wrinkling (skin rejuvenation, falling and greying of hair) and increases the lifespan).

Indications: Fast ageing, greying and falling hair, poor strength and immunity, fatigue, stamina, memory, eyesight.

15 off
108 91.8
15 off
108 |   91.8 |   200 ML
Highly beneficial in Increased Creatinine levels, kidney stones & UTI

Benefits: Support in urinary tract infections. Relief in burning and painful micturition. Being nephroprotective improves the kidney function, creatinine levels and helps in treating kidney stones, dysuria and olivuria.

Indications: Feeling of burning sensation and discomfort while passing urine, repeated urges but able to pass very little urine in one go, moderate to severe abdominal pain, urine colour change or turn cloudy and smells extremely pungent.
