Benefits: Karela improves peripheral glucose utilization. It increases insulin secretion. It reduces diabetic complications.
Indications: Type 2 Diabetes, Pre Diabetes.
Benefits: : Hadjod relieves pain and inflammation. It accelerates fracture healing. It increases bone mineral density, ensures faster recovery in fracture healing by improving tensile strength.
Indications: Osteoporosis and Fractures.
Benefits: Shallaki possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-arthritic properties. It decreases joint pains and inflammation
Indications: Osteo Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Knee-Joint disorders, Asthma.
Benefits: Tulsi has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal anti-viral activities. It boosts defenses by enhancing immune responses. It has anti-stress and adaptogen properties.
Indications: Infections, Asthma and cough, Stress disorders, Sleep problems, Forgetfulness, High cholesterol, Insulin resistance, Hypertension.
Benefits: : Haldi has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic & blood purifier effects and is a very strong antioxidant. It is useful in many chronic diseases. It improves the growth of new neurons.
Indications: Biliary disorders, Anorexia, Cough, Rheumatism, Sinusitis, Liver and Bladder disorders, Hyperglycemia, Obesity, Bacterial and Fungal infections.
Benefits: Kaunch is aphrodisiac in nature. It provides nourishment and nutrition to the body. It balances vata dosha and helps in neurological disorders. It improves sperms count and motility.
Indications: Paralysis, Parkinsons disease, Amnesia, Oligospermia, Erectile dysfunction, Stress, Anxiety.
Benefits: Shankhpushpi improves brain activities and memory. It strengthens the nervous system. It reduces anxiety and stress. It calms down the mind.
Indications: Learning problems, Forgetfulness, Lack of concentration, Mental Fatigue, ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), Delay brain milestones in children, Insomnia, Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
Benefits: Safed musli have aphrodisiac, adaptogenic, anti-ageing, health restorative and health promoting properties. It improves Sperm count and motility.
Indications: Arthritis, Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction, Stress, Poor Libido.
Benefits: Gudmar reduces craving for sweet foods. It is effective in lowering the fasting as well as post prandial blood glucose level. It helps in regenerating pancreatic beta cells, stimulates the production and activity of insulin.
Indications: : Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Metabolism.
Benefits: Shilajit possesses rejuvenative and aphrodisiac properties. It helps improve fertility. It is spermatogenic, nervine and heart tonic. It possess anti-obesity, anti-diabitic properties. It improves iron deficiency and has anti-ageing properties
Indications: Impotence, Infertility, Dysuria, UTI, Anemia, High Cholesterol, Osteo-porosis, Diabetes.
Benefits: Sahjan possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal and broad-spectrum anti-microbial pro-perties. It improves blood circulation in joints. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-arthritic properties.
Indications: Skin Infections and Sores, Edema, Arthritis, Anxiety, Depression and Fatigue, Anemia.
Benefits: Tagara improves the quality of sleep, induces sound sleep and increases the duration of sleep. It brings calmness to mind, reduces stress and possesses anti-depressant effects.
Indications: Sleep Disorders, Insanity, Epilepsy, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure).
Benefits: Gokshura increases the vigour and vitality. It helps in Urinary tract infections. It has anti lithiasis property thus prevents formation of Kidney Stone. It also breaks or reduce the size of existing stone.
Indications: Erectile dysfunction, Poor Libido, General Weakness, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, High Blood Pressure.
Benefits: Shatavari supports female reproduc-tive system and strengthens the uterus. It relieves abdominal cramps and spasms. It stimulates the milk production during lactation.
Indications: Dysuria, Menstrual Problems, Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia Menometrorrhagia and Menopausal Syndrome.
Benefits: : Neem possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying properties. It helps prevent skin problems and keeps skin healthy and glowing. It helps regulate blood sugar. It increases the bodys resistance against infections.
Indications: Acne, Blood Impurities, Eczema, Dermatitis, Diabetes.