Maha Herbals

15 off
81 68.85
15 off
81 |   68.85 |   60 GM
Combat Cough and Cold Promotes Digestion

Benefits: Being rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic and expectorant properties, combats recurrent cough, cold, congested and soar throat, flu and fever. Reduces chest and nasal congestion get rid of excess catarrh particles and stops nasal discharge. Highly effective in asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory illness. It is a powerful digestive stimulant eliminate abdominal gas and in turn reduces abdominal distension, constipation, bloating and gaseous cramps. It also give relief in IBS and enhances appetite.

Indications: Cough, cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma, digestive disorder, gas, loss of appetite, fever, bloating.

15 off
15 off
90 |   76.5 |   60 GM
Combat Fatigue Boosts Energy, Stamina, Vitality & Immunity

Benefits: Incredible testosterone booster, enhance Semen quality, endurance, muscle strength. Highly beneficial in erectile dysfunction. Reduces the production of cortisol. Due to its adaptogenic property reduces stress and anxiety. Highly beneficial in improving male infertility and in insomnia. Boosts energy, desire, stamina vitality and immunity. Also improves cardiac muscles.

Indications: Erectile Dysfunction, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, oligospermia, hypospermia, watery and thin semen, asthenozoospermia, teratospermia, insomnia, cardiac weakness and palpitation.

15 off
108 91.8
15 off
108 |   91.8 |   60 GM
Highly beneficial in Acidity, Heartburn, and Indigestion

Benefits: Effective in acid dyspepsia (indigestion), improves appetite, stomach comfort, useful in Indigestion, constipation, hyperacidity, piles, gastroesophageal reflux, colic, metabolic disorder, gastroesophageal reflux, chronic gastritis and ease urination.

Indications: Acidity, hyper acidity, chronic gastritis, GERD, constipation, heartburn, loss of appetite and indigestion.

15 off
135 114.75
15 off
135 |   114.75 |   60 GM
Helpful in Gas, Constipation & Anorexia

Benefits: It stimulates bowel muscle contraction and relieves constipation. Helps to treat abdominal pain, gastric ulcer, diarrhoea, relieves indigestion, removes harmful toxins from body. Prevents accumulation of toxins. Eases the pain and discomfort of the stomach, treats anorexia and all vata disorders.

Indications: Bloating, anorexia, joint disorder, loss of appetite, indigestion.

15 off
162 137.7
15 off
162 |   137.7 |   450 ML
Effective in Piles & Chronic Constipation

Benefits: Abhayarishta is a potent ayurvedic concoction. increases peristaltic movements of intestine and helps in bowel movement. It is used for treating a myriad of ailments and provide excellent relief in piles, fistula dysuria, flatulence, anuria, gas and abdominal distension and fissure. Improves appetite, digestion, reduces habit of hard stool and is an excellent rejuvenator for digestive system.

Indications: Piles, fistula, dysuria, flatulence, anuria, gas and abdominal distension, fissure, abdominal bloating, loss of appetite, indigestIon, hard stool/ constipation and abdominal heaviness after consuming food.

15 off
144 122.4
15 off
144 |   122.4 |   100 ml
Beneficial in Joint and Muscular Pain

Benefits: Highly beneficial In body, muscle and joint pains,treatment of facial palsy, hearing loss, deafness, paraplegia, tremors, neck stiffness /torticollis, lock jaw, oligospermia, female infertility, teeth & tongue ailments, bloating, headache, glossal palsy, dental pain, mania/psychosis, hump-back/kyphosis, fever, bursitis, bursitis trochanterica, shoulder dislocation pain. It is used in anti aging treatment, tendon tear, fractures and all types of arthritis. It helps to relieve emaciation, strengthen bones and joints in case of weak bones due to osteo-porosis, osteo arthritis and useful in intercostal neuropathy.

Indications: Body, muscle and joint pains, facial palsy, hearing loss, deafness, paraplegia, tremors, neck stiffness /torticollis, lock jaw, oligospermia, female infertility, teeth & tongue ailments, bloating, headache, glossal palsy, dental pain, mania/psychosis, hump-back/kyphosis, fever, bursitis, bursitis trochanterica, shoulder dislocation pain aging, tendon tear, fractures, weak bones due to osteo-porosis, osteo arthritis.

15 off
225 191.25
15 off
225 |   191.25 |   450 ml
Best Nervine Tonic Improves Memory & Strength

Benefits: Helps reduce cellular damage and promotes the immunity system in the body. Improves the mental strength by relaxing anxiety and fatigue. Beneficial for treating sexual disorder and building physical strength. Relieves joint pain, inflammation, so you get proper mobility. Promotes good sleep. Increases energy and muscle strength.

Indications: General debility - Physical weakness, Fatigue, Neurological disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Insomnia, Joint pain, Inflammation, Vertigo, Chronic headache or migraine.

15 off
180 153
15 off
180 |   153 |   450 ML
Effective of Worm Infestations and Abscess

Benefits: Improves appetite and digestion disturbed by worm infestation like round worms, pinworms and their eggs. Reduces symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and treats the underlying cause of parasitical infestation, Cure skin disorders related to itching of skin.

Indications: Worm infestation, Abscess, Loss of appetite, Skin disease, Fistula-in-Ano, Bloating, Polyuria, Calculus.

15 off
162 137.7
15 off
162 |   137.7 |   450 ML
Effective in Vata Disorder and Pain Reliever

Benefits: A general tonic for females of all age groups & best results in postnatal care, also works as a pain reliever like body ache, joint pain, sciatica, abdominal pain and gaseous distension of abdomen also helps to relieve fatigue and digestive disorders. Enhances skin health and a natural glow beneficial in respiratory complaints.

Indications: Leucorrhoea, Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps), Backache, Anemia after pregnancy in women. It is also useful in cough, Breathlessness, indigestion, chronic fever, General debility. Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Sciatica, Muscle spasm, Leprosy and all other diseases related to inflammatory conditions.

15 off

Eladi Gutika

30 Tablets
63 53.55
15 off
63 |   53.55 |   30 Tablets
Helpful in Sore Throat & Cough

Benefits: Eladi Gutika gives instant relief from sore throat and cough. It is an excellent Ayurvedic remedy to keep the throat healthy and clear, it is used mainly in respiratory, Bronchitis and gastric conditions.

Indications: Cough, Asthma, Fever, Hiccough, Vomiting, Sore throat, Hoarseness of voice, Nasal Bleeding.

15 off
396 336.6
15 off
396 |   336.6 |   1 KG
A Traditional Indian Bioactive Health Supplement

Benefits: Used as one of the best Nutrient to body and mind. It builds overall Health and Immunity due to its adapto-immuno-neuro-endocrino-modulator properties. It is one of the best Brain Tonic / Nootropic, Improves memory. Chyavanprash is also highly beneficial in Cough, Asthma, Debility due to chest injury, Hoarseness of voice, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Heart disease, Digestive impairment, Disease of thorax, Gout, Thirst, Urinary diseases, Improves motility of semen, blood circulation and Senility (anti-aging).

Indications: General Weakness, Cough, Digestive impairment, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Heart disease, Fast ageing, Memory weakening or loss, Voice hoarseness, Vitiation of semen, Vata and Pitta dosha.
